AC : thm -> term -> thm

Proves equality of terms using associative, commutative, and optionally idempotence laws.

Suppose _ is a function, which is assumed to be infix in the following syntax, and acth is a theorem expressing associativity and commutativity in the particular canonical form:
   acth = |- m _ n = n _ m /\
             (m _ n) _ p = m _ n _ p /\
             m _ n _ p = n _ m _ p
Then AC acth will prove equations whose left and right sides can be made identical using these associative and commutative laws. If the input theorem also has idempotence property in this canonical form:
  |- (p _ q = q _ p) /\
     ((p _ q) _ r = p _ q _ r) /\
     (p _ q _ r = q _ p _ r) /\
     (p _ p = p) /\
     (p _ p _ q = p _ q)
then idempotence will also be applied.

Fails if the terms are not proved equivalent under the appropriate laws. This may happen because the input theorem does not have the correct canonical form. The latter problem will not in itself cause failure until it is applied to the term.

  # AC ADD_AC `1 + 2 + 3 = 2 + 1 + 3`;;
  val it : thm = |- 1 + 2 + 3 = 2 + 1 + 3
  # AC CONJ_ACI `p /\ (q /\ p) <=> (p /\ q) /\ (p /\ q)`;;
  val it : thm = |- p /\ q /\ p <=> (p /\ q) /\ p /\ q

Note that pre-proved theorems in the correct canonical form for AC are already present for many standard operators, e.g. ADD_AC, MULT_AC, INT_ADD_AC, INT_MUL_AC, REAL_ADD_AC, REAL_MUL_AC, CONJ_ACI, DISJ_ACI and INSERT_AC. The underlying algorithm is not particularly delicate, and normalization under the associative/commutative/idempotent laws can be achieved by direct rewriting with the same canonical theorems. For some cases, specially optimized rules are available such as CONJ_ACI_RULE and DISJ_ACI_RULE.