Applies a tactic generated from the goal's assumption list.
When applied to a function of type thm list -> tactic and a goal,
ASSUM_LIST constructs a tactic by applying f to a list of ASSUMEd
assumptions of the goal, then applies that tactic to the goal.
ASSUM_LIST f ({A1;...;An} ?- t)
= f [A1 |- A1; ... ; An |- An] ({A1;...;An} ?- t)
Fails if the function fails when applied to the list of ASSUMEd assumptions,
or if the resulting tactic fails when applied to the goal.
There is nothing magical about ASSUM_LIST: the same effect can usually be
achieved just as conveniently by using ASSUME a wherever the
assumption a is needed. If ASSUM_LIST is used, it is extremely unwise to
use a function which selects elements from its argument list by number, since
the ordering of assumptions should not be relied on.
The tactic:
ASSUM_LIST(MP_TAC o end_itlist CONJ)
adds a conjunction of all assumptions as an antecedent of a goal.
Making more careful use of the assumption list than simply rewriting.