Expands a natural number sum over an explicit interval of numerals
The conversion EXPAND_NSUM_CONV applied to a term of the form
`nsum (m..n) f` where m and n are explicit numerals (the double-dot being
an infix set construction for a range), returns an expansion theorem
|- nsum (m..n) f = f(m) + ... + f(n). In the common case where f is a
lambda-term, each application f(i) will be beta-reduced at the top level.
EXPAND_NSUM_CONV tm fails if tm is not a sum of the specified form.
The following is a typical use of the conversion:
# EXPAND_NSUM_CONV `nsum (1..5) (\n. n * n)`;;
val it : thm =
|- nsum (1..5) (\n. n * n) = 1 * 1 + 2 * 2 + 3 * 3 + 4 * 4 + 5 * 5
As well as the real-number version EXPAND_SUM_CONV in the core HOL Light, the
library file Library/isum.ml contains a corresponding form for integer sums