Performs tactical proof by structural induction on lists.

LIST_INDUCT_TAC reduces a goal A ?- !l. P[l], where l ranges over lists, to two subgoals corresponding to the base and step cases in a proof by structural induction on l. The induction hypothesis appears among the assumptions of the subgoal for the step case. The specification of LIST_INDUCT_TAC is:
                     A ?- !l. P
   =====================================================  LIST_INDUCT_TAC
    A |- P[[]/l]   A u {P[t/l]} ?- P[CONS h t/l]

LIST_INDUCT_TAC g fails unless the conclusion of the goal g has the form `!l. t`, where the variable l has type (ty)list for some type ty.

Many simple list theorems can be proved simply by list induction then just first-order reasoning (or even rewriting) with definitions of the operations involved. For example if we want to prove that mapping a composition of functions over a list is the same as successive mapping of the two functions:
  # g `!l f:A->B g:B->C. MAP (g o f) l = MAP g (MAP f l)`;;
we can start by list induction:
  val it : goalstack = 2 subgoals (2 total)

   0 [`!f g. MAP (g o f) t = MAP g (MAP f t)`]

  `!f g. MAP (g o f) (CONS h t) = MAP g (MAP f (CONS h t))`

  `!f g. MAP (g o f) [] = MAP g (MAP f [])`
and each resulting subgoal is just solved at once by:

Essentially the same effect can be had by MATCH_MP_TAC list_INDUCT. This does not subsequently break down the goal in such a convenient way, but gives more control over choice of variable. For example, starting with the same goal:
  # g `!l f:A->B g:B->C. MAP (g o f) l = MAP g (MAP f l)`;;
we get:
  # e(MATCH_MP_TAC list_INDUCT);;
  val it : goalstack = 1 subgoal (1 total)

  `(!f g. MAP (g o f) [] = MAP g (MAP f [])) /\
   (!a0 a1.
        (!f g. MAP (g o f) a1 = MAP g (MAP f a1))
        ==> (!f g. MAP (g o f) (CONS a0 a1) = MAP g (MAP f (CONS a0 a1))))`
and after getting rid of some trivia:
  val it : goalstack = 1 subgoal (1 total)

  `!a0 a1.
       (!f g. MAP (g o f) a1 = MAP g (MAP f a1))
       ==> (!f g.
                CONS ((g o f) a0) (MAP (g o f) a1) =
                CONS (g (f a0)) (MAP g (MAP f a1)))`
we can carefully choose the variable names:
  # e(MAP_EVERY X_GEN_TAC [`k:A`; `l:A list`]);;
  val it : goalstack = 1 subgoal (1 total)

  `(!f g. MAP (g o f) l = MAP g (MAP f l))
   ==> (!f g.
            CONS ((g o f) k) (MAP (g o f) l) =
            CONS (g (f k)) (MAP g (MAP f l)))`
This kind of control can be useful when the sub-proof is more challenging. Here of course the same simple pattern as before works:
  # e(SIMP_TAC[o_THM]);;
  val it : goalstack = No subgoals