NUM_RING : term -> thm

Ring decision procedure instantiated to natural numbers.

The rule NUM_RING should be applied to a formula that, after suitable normalization, can be considered a universally quantified Boolean combination of equations and inequations between terms of type :num. If that formula holds in all integral domains, NUM_RING will prove it. Any ``alien'' atomic formulas that are not natural number equations will not contribute to the proof but will not in themselves cause an error. The function is a particular instantiation of RING, which is a more generic procedure for ring and semiring structures.

Fails if the formula is unprovable by the methods employed. This does not necessarily mean that it is not valid for :num, but rather that it is not valid on all integral domains (see below).

The following formula is proved because it holds in all integral domains:
  # NUM_RING `(x + y) EXP 2 = x EXP 2 ==> y = 0 \/ y + 2 * x = 0`;;
  1 basis elements and 0 critical pairs
  Translating certificate to HOL inferences
  val it : thm = |- (x + y) EXP 2 = x EXP 2 ==> y = 0 \/ y + 2 * x = 0
but the following isn't, even though over :num it is equivalent:
  # NUM_RING `(x + y) EXP 2 = x EXP 2 ==> y = 0 \/ x = 0`;;
  2 basis elements and 1 critical pairs
  3 basis elements and 2 critical pairs
  3 basis elements and 1 critical pairs
  4 basis elements and 1 critical pairs
  4 basis elements and 0 critical pairs
  Exception: Failure "find".

Note that since we are working over :num, which is not really a ring, cutoff subtraction is not true ring subtraction and the ability of NUM_RING to handle it is limited. Instantiations of RING to actual rings, such as REAL_RING, have no such problems.