ORDERED_IMP_REWR_CONV : (term -> term -> bool) -> thm -> term -> thm
Basic conditional rewriting conversion restricted by term order.
Given an ordering relation ord, an equational theorem A |- !x1...xn. p ==> s
= t that expresses a conditional rewrite rule, the conversion
ORDERED_IMP_REWR_CONV gives a conversion that applied to any term s' will
attempt to match the left-hand side of the equation s = t to s', and return
the corresponding theorem A |- p' ==> s' = t', but only if ord `s'` `t'`,
i.e. if the left-hand side is ``greater'' in the ordering than the right-hand
side, after instantiation. If the ordering condition is violated, it will fail,
even if the match is fine.
Fails if the theorem is not of the right form or the two terms cannot be
matched, for example because the variables that need to be instantiated are
free in the hypotheses A, or if the ordering requirement fails.
Applying conditional rewrite rules that are permutative and would loop without
some ordering restriction. Applied automatically to some permutative rewrite
rules in the simplifier, e.g. in SIMP_CONV.