Performs one arithmetic or relational operation on rational literals of type
When applied to any of the terms `--c`, `inv c`, `abs c`, `c1 + c2`,
`c1 - c2`, `c1 * c2`, `c1 / c2`, `c pow n`, `c1 <= c2`, `c1 < c2`,
`c1 >= c2`, `c1 > c2`, `c1 = c2`, where c, c1 and c2 are rational
literals of type :real and n is a numeral of type :num,
REAL_RAT_RED_CONV returns a theorem asserting the equivalence of the term to
a canonical rational (for the arithmetic operators) or a truth-value (for the
relational operators).
The permissible rational literals are integer literals (&n or -- &n),
ratios (&p / &q or -- &p / &q), or decimals (#DDD.DDDD or
#DDD.DDDDeNN). Any numeric result is always put in the form &p / &q or
-- &p / &q with q > 1 and p and q sharing no common factor, or simply
&p or -- &p when that is impossible.
Fails if applied to an inappropriate term, or if c is zero in `inv c`, or
if c2 is zero in c1 / c2.
More convenient for most purposes is REAL_RAT_REDUCE_CONV, which applies
these evaluation conversions recursively at depth. But access to this
`one-step' reduction can be handy if you want to add a conversion conv for
some other operator on real number literals, which you can conveniently
incorporate it into REAL_RAT_REDUCE_CONV with