The tactic SELECT_ELIM_TAC attempts to remove from a goal any select terms,
i.e. instances of the Hilbert choice operator @x. P[x]. First, any instances
that occur inside their own predicate, i.e. P[@x. P[x]], are replaced simply
by ?x. P[x], as with SELECT_CONV. Other select-terms are eliminated by
replacing each on with a new variable v and adding a corresponding instance
of the axiom SELECT_AX, of the form !x. P[x] ==> P[v]. Note that the latter
does not strictly preserve logical equivalence, only implication. So it is
possible to replace a provable goal by an unprovable one. But since not much is
provable about a select term except via the axiom SELECT_AX, this is not
likely in practice.
Never fails.
Suppose we set the goal:
# g `(@n. n < 3) < 3 /\ (@n. n < 3) < 5`;;
An application of SELECT_ELIM_TAC returns:
val it : goalstack = 1 subgoal (1 total)
`!_73133. (!x. x < 3 ==> _73133 < 3) ==> (?n. n < 3) /\ _73133 < 5`
This is already applied as an initial normalization by MESON and other rules.
Users may occasionally find it helpful.