basic_rewrites : unit -> thm list

Returns the set of built-in theorems used, by default, in rewriting.

The list of theorems returned by basic_rewrites() is applied by default in rewriting conversions, rules and tactics such as ONCE_REWRITE_CONV, REWRITE_RULE and SIMP_TAC, though not in the `pure' variants like PURE_REWRITE_TAC. This default set can be modified using extend_basic_rewrites, set_basic_rewrites. Other conversions, not necessarily expressible as rewriting with a theorem, can be added using set_basic_convs and extend_basic_convs and examined by basic_convs.

The following shows the list of default rewrites in the standard HOL Light state. Most of them are basic logical tautologies.
# basic_rewrites();;
val it : thm list =
  [|- FST (x,y) = x; |- SND (x,y) = y; |- FST x,SND x = x;
   |- (if x = x then y else z) = y; |- (if T then t1 else t2) = t1;
   |- (if F then t1 else t2) = t2; |- ~ ~t <=> t; |- ~T <=> F; |- ~F <=> T;
   |- (@y. y = x) = x; |- x = x <=> T; |- (T <=> t) <=> t;
   |- (t <=> T) <=> t; |- (F <=> t) <=> ~t; |- (t <=> F) <=> ~t; |- ~T <=> F;
   |- ~F <=> T; |- T /\ t <=> t; |- t /\ T <=> t; |- F /\ t <=> F;
   |- t /\ F <=> F; |- t /\ t <=> t; |- T \/ t <=> T; |- t \/ T <=> T;
   |- F \/ t <=> t; |- t \/ F <=> t; |- t \/ t <=> t; |- T ==> t <=> t;
   |- t ==> T <=> T; |- F ==> t <=> T; |- t ==> t <=> T; |- t ==> F <=> ~t;
   |- (!x. t) <=> t; |- (?x. t) <=> t; |- (\x. f x) y = f y;
   |- x = x ==> p <=> p]

The basic_rewrites are included in the set of equations used by some of the rewriting tools.

extend_basic_rewrites, set_basic_rewrites, set_basic_convs, extend_basic_convs, basic_convs, REWRITE_CONV, REWRITE_RULE, REWRITE_TAC, SIMP_CONV, SIMP_RULE, SIMP_TAC.