list_mk_binop : term -> term list -> term

Makes an iterative application of a binary operator.

The call list_mk_binop op [t1; ...; tn] constructs the term op t1 (op t2 (op ... (op tn-1 tn) ...))). If we think of op as an infix operator we can write it t1 op t2 op t3 ... op tn, but the call will work for any term op compatible with all the types.

Fails if the list of terms is empty or if the types would not work for the composite term. In particular, if the list contains at least three items, all the types must be the same.

This example is typical:
  # list_mk_binop `(+):num->num->num` (map mk_small_numeral (1--10));;
  val it : term = `1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 10`
while these show that for smaller lists, one can just regard it as mk_comb or mk_binop:
  # list_mk_binop `SUC` [`0`];;
  val it : term = `0`

   # list_mk_binop `f:A->B->C` [`x:A`; `y:B`];;
  val it : term = `f x y`

binops, mk_binop.