Applies constant to list of arguments, instantiating constant type as needed.
The call list_mk_icomb "c" [a1; ...; an] will make the term c a1 ... an
where c is a constant, after first instantiating c's generic type so that the
types are compatible.
Fails if c is not a constant or if the types cannot be instantiated to match
up with the argument list.
This would fail with the basic list_mk_comb function
# list_mk_icomb "=" [`1`; `2`];;
val it : term = `1 = 2`
Note that in general the generic type of the constant is only instantiated
sufficiently to make its type match the arguments, which does not necessarily
determine it completely. Unless you are sure this will be sufficient, it is
safer and probably more efficient to instantiate the type manually using inst