many : ('a -> 'b * 'a) -> 'a -> 'b list * 'a

Parses zero or more successive items using given parser.

If p is a parser then many p gives a new parser that parses a series of successive items using p and returns the result as a list, with the expected left-to-right order.

The immediate call many never fails. The resulting parser may fail when applied, though any Noparse exception in the core parser will be trapped.

This is one of a suite of combinators for manipulating ``parsers''. A parser is simply a function whose OCaml type is some instance of :('a)list -> 'b * ('a)list. The function should take a list of objects of type :'a (e.g. characters or tokens), parse as much of it as possible from left to right, and return a pair consisting of the object derived from parsing (e.g. a term or a special syntax tree) and the list of elements that were not processed.

++, |||, >>, a, atleast, elistof, finished, fix, leftbin, listof, nothing, possibly, rightbin, some.