search : term list -> (string * thm) list

Search the database of theorems according to query patterns.

The search function is intended to locate a desired theorem by searching based on term patterns or names. The database of theorems to be searched is held in theorems, which initially contains all theorems individually bound to OCaml identifiers in the main system, and can be augmented or otherwise modified by the user. (See in particular the update script in which creates a database according to the current OCaml environment.) The input to search is a list of terms that are treated as patterns. Normally, a term pat is interpreted as a search for `a theorem with any subterm of the form pat', e.g. a pattern x + y for any subterm of the form s + t. However, several syntax functions create composite terms that are interpreted specially by search:

Never fails.

Search for theorems with a subterm of the form s <= t / u:
  # search [`x <= y / z`];;
  val it : (string * thm) list =
      |- &0 < y1 /\ &0 < y2 ==> (x1 / y1 <= x2 / y2 <=> x1 * y2 <= x2 * y1));
     ("REAL_LE_DIV", |- !x y. &0 <= x /\ &0 <= y ==> &0 <= x / y);
     ("REAL_LE_DIV2_EQ", |- !x y z. &0 < z ==> (x / z <= y / z <=> x <= y));
     ("REAL_LE_RDIV_EQ", |- !x y z. &0 < z ==> (x <= y / z <=> x * z <= y));
      |- !s t b.
             FINITE s /\ ~(s = {}) /\ (!x. x IN s ==> f x <= b / &(CARD s))
             ==> sum s f <= b)]
Search for theorems whose name contains "CROSS" and whose conclusion involves the cardinality function CARD:
  # search [name "CROSS"; `CARD`];;
  Warning: inventing type variables
  val it : (string * thm) list =
      |- !s t. FINITE s /\ FINITE t ==> CARD (s CROSS t) = CARD s * CARD t)]
Search for theorems that involve finiteness of the image of a set under a function, but also do not involve logical equivalence:
  # search [`FINITE(IMAGE f s)`; omit `(<=>)`];;
  Warning: inventing type variables
  val it : (string * thm) list =
    [("FINITE_IMAGE", |- !f s. FINITE s ==> FINITE (IMAGE f s))]
