Renames the bound variable of an abstraction or binder.
The conversion GEN_ALPHA_CONV provides alpha conversion for lambda
abstractions of the form `\x. t`, as well as other terms of the form
`b (\x. t)` such as quantifiers and other binders. (Note that whether b is
a constant or parses as a binder is irrelevant, though this is usually the case
in applications.) The call GEN_ALPHA_CONV `y` `\x. t` returns
|- (\x. t) = (\y. t[y/x])
while GEN_ALPHA_CONV `y` `b (\x. t)` returns
|- b (\x. t) = b (\y. t[y/x])
GEN_ALPHA_CONV `y` tm fails if y is not a variable, or if tm does not
have one of the forms `\x. t` or `b (\x. t)`, or if the types of x and
y differ, or if y is already free in the body t.