Automated tactic for elementary divisibility properties over the natural
The tactic NUMBER_TAC is a partly heuristic tactic that can often
automatically prove elementary ``divisibility'' properties of the natural
numbers. The precise subset that is dealt with is difficult to describe
rigorously, but many universally quantified combinations of divides,
coprime, gcd and congruences (x == y) (mod n) can be proved
automatically, as well as some existentially quantified goals. See the
documentation for INTEGER_RULE for a larger set of representative examples.
Fails if the goal is not accessible to the methods used.
A typical elementary divisibility property is that if two numbers are congruent
with respect to two coprime (without non-trivial common factors) moduli, then
they are congruent with respect to their product:
# g `!m n x y:num. (x == y) (mod m) /\ (x == y) (mod n) /\ coprime(m,n)
==> (x == y) (mod (m * n))`;;
It can be solved automatically using NUMBER_TAC:
val it : goalstack = No subgoals
The analogous goal without the coprimality assumption will fail, and indeed the
goal would be false without it.