The HOL Light simplifier (e.g. as invoked by SIMP_TAC) allows provers of type
prover to be installed into simpsets, to automatically dispose of
side-conditions. These may maintain a state dynamically and augment it as more
theorems become available (e.g. a theorem p |- p becomes available when
simplifying the consequent of an implication `p ==> q`). In order to allow
maximal flexibility in the data structure used to maintain state, provers are
set up in an `object-oriented' style, where the context is part of the prover
function itself. A call apply_prover p `tm` applies the prover with its
current context to attempt to prove the term tm.
The call apply_prover p never fails, but it may fail to prove the term.
Mainly intended for users customizing the simplifier.
I learned of this ingenious trick for maintaining context from Don Syme, who
discovered it by reading some code written by Richard Boulton. I was told by
Simon Finn that there are similar ideas in the functional language literature
for simulating existential types.