mk_prover : ('a -> conv) -> ('a -> thm list -> 'a) -> 'a -> prover
Construct a prover from applicator and state augmentation function.
The HOL Light simplifier (e.g. as invoked by SIMP_TAC) allows provers of type
prover to be installed into simpsets, to automatically dispose of
side-conditions. These may maintain a state dynamically and augment it as more
theorems become available (e.g. a theorem p |- p becomes available when
simplifying the consequent of an implication `p ==> q`). In order to allow
maximal flexibility in the data structure used to maintain state, provers are
set up in an `object-oriented' style, where the context is part of the prover
function itself. A call mk_prover app aug where app: 'a -> conv is an
application operation to prove a term using the context of type 'a and aug :
'a -> thm list -> 'a is an augmentation operation to add whatever
representation of the theorem list in the state of the prover is chosen, gives
a canonical prover of this form. The crucial point is that the type 'a is
invisible in the resulting prover, so different provers can maintain their
state in different ways. (In the trivial case, one might just use thm list
for the state, and appending for the augmentation.)
Does not normally fail unless the functions provided are abnormal.
This is mostly for experts wishing to customize the simplifier.
I learned of this ingenious trick for maintaining context from Don Syme, who
discovered it by reading some code written by Richard Boulton. I was told by
Simon Finn that there are similar ideas in the functional language literature
for simulating existential types.